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  1. Columnist - Anthony Derington
  2. Bio: Founder of @GhoulishShow

1h, 32minutes; Audience Score 4387 vote; Sophia Takal; Country New Zealand; April Wolfe;
I can't remember ever seeing a worse movie. There's is nothing good about this movie at all.
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Black Christmas Movie. Black christmas 2006 full movie online. Black christmas movies online. I really had to give this a high rating because i think the reviewers are unfair ( and probably men. It's a good movie and i think the horror movie industry have all lot to take after. It is amongst a few slasher movies that does not objectify women. This is a movie about real women and not some badly written characters and all lot of what they are going through in the movie are real stuff women deal with in reality. Oh, and the Main actress is very talented. So if you want to see a good movie go see this one. You will only be offended if you can relate to the bad guys.

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